1.2.14. fejezet, TaskManagerIO: az eseményvezérelt programozás másként
Beküldte pzoli - 2022, május 14 - 8:43du
Szükséges könyvtárak Arduino-hoz
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#include <IoAbstraction.h> int switchPin = 13; int buttonPin = 12; int switchState = LOW; IoAbstractionRef ioDevice = ioUsingArduino(); char inChar; bool serialAction() { while(Serial.available() > 0) { inChar = Serial.read(); Serial.print(inChar); } return true; } void onButtonClick(uint8_t pin, bool heldDown) { Serial.print("Button clicked [hold:"); Serial.print(heldDown); Serial.println("]"); } void timerAction() { switchState = switchState == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH; ioDeviceDigitalWrite(ioDevice, switchPin, switchState); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); ioDevicePinMode(ioDevice, switchPin, OUTPUT); ioDevicePinMode(ioDevice, buttonPin, INPUT); switches.init(ioDevice, SWITCHES_POLL_EVERYTHING, true); switches.addSwitch(buttonPin, onButtonClick, NO_REPEAT); taskManager.scheduleFixedRate(1, timerAction, TIME_SECONDS); Serial.println("Listeners started."); } void loop() { taskManager.runLoop(); }
#include <TaskManagerIO.h> class SerialEvent : public BaseEvent { private: Stream* _serial; public: SerialEvent(Stream* serial) { this->_serial = serial; } uint32_t timeOfNextCheck() override { if (_serial->available()) markTriggeredAndNotify(); return secondsToMicros(1); } void exec() override { char inChar; while(_serial->available()) { inChar = _serial->read(); _serial->print(inChar); } } }; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(19200); while (!Serial); SerialEvent* myEvent = new SerialEvent(&Serial); taskManager.registerEvent(myEvent); } void loop() { taskManager.runLoop(); }
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