Prusa Partner Program Plane
Beküldte pzoli - 2018, március 8 - 7:06du
The 4P concept
- 1th day (theoretical education)
- Visit the factory in Prague
- General knowledges about printing 3D (Prusa and other printers in the World) - see my presentation and flying papper in hungarian language
- Assembly and modeling practices with HTC Vive (Fully assembled printer stl projekt, git repo for WebGL and TreeJS)
- 3D modeling basics
- Shipped softwares
- Software usage in theoretical
- 2th day (practical education)
- Printer building practice (build first DIY printer)
- Software usage in practice
Partner site for schools
- Register your printer for cooperate (with central Wildfly based Java server)
- Cooperative schools for wagework printing
- Find your nearest 3D printer server for produce your plane
- pzoli blogja
- A hozzászóláshoz be kell jelentkezni