1.13. fejezet, Reflection
Beküldte pzoli - 2016, június 1 - 2:45du
namespace ReflectionProject { class Example { private int factor; public Example(int f) { factor = f; } public int SampleMethod(int x) { Console.WriteLine("\nExample.SampleMethod({0}) executes.", x); return x * factor; } static void Main(string[] args) { Assembly assem = typeof(Example).Assembly; Console.WriteLine("Assembly Full Name:"); Console.WriteLine(assem.FullName); AssemblyName assemName = assem.GetName(); Console.WriteLine("\nName: {0}", assemName.Name); Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}.{1}", assemName.Version.Major, assemName.Version.Minor); Console.WriteLine("\nAssembly CodeBase:"); Console.WriteLine(assem.CodeBase); Object o = assem.CreateInstance("ReflectionProject.Example", false, BindingFlags.ExactBinding, null, new Object[] { 2 }, null, null); // Make a late-bound call to an instance method of the object. MethodInfo m = assem.GetType("ReflectionProject.Example").GetMethod("SampleMethod"); Object ret = m.Invoke(o, new Object[] { 42 }); Console.WriteLine("SampleMethod returned {0}.", ret); Console.WriteLine("\nAssembly entry point:"); Console.WriteLine(assem.EntryPoint); } } }
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